Well, in the last couple of weeks things have been progressing well with our lounge refurbishment. When I last wrote we had the teeniest bit of wallpaper still to remove and thank goodness, we got that done! I can't tell you how glad I was to see the back of that job! Danny finished making the holes for the new electrical sockets and repairing the holes from his "mishaps"........
On 10 April, Danny officially became an OAP as he turned 65 years old that day. We always treat birthdays ending in a "5" as special (as well as "0" ones!) and I decided to surprise him with a trip to La Rochelle. I booked the dogs into their "pension pour chiens" (sounds so much nicer than 'kennels' doesn't it! And if you click on this link, you'll see just how nice it is!). We left our cat Whisper at home with loads of food at her disposal. She is quite timid and doesn't like going to a cattery so she was better off being in her own home.
Danny knew he was going somewhere but not exactly 'where' but I believe he was very happy to discover it was to be La Rochelle. I had booked us into the Hôtel Saint Nicolas, based on a personal recommendation and Trip Advisor and we weren't disappointed.
If you're ever going to La Rochelle, I'm happy to recommend the hotel and if you want to find out more about it, click here for their website.
It was unfortunate that the weather wasn't kind to us. After several days of beautiful weather here, it decided to be chilly and wet just on the days we were away! Unfortunate too, that Danny's knee decided to play up so we weren't able to walk around as much as we might have done. Despite that, we had a lovely time and although we always miss our home and especially our pets, when we're away, it was nice to have no responsibilities for a couple of days. In case you don't know, La Rochelle is a harbour and, as a popular tourist town, it is busy with lots of shops and restaurants - all of which appeared to be open all day (unlike our area!). This is a nice picture of the harbour and you can just see some of the restaurants on the left. You can also see how overcast it was!
We were lucky enough to see the life-size replica of the 18th century frigate Hermione which was in La Rochelle prior to setting sail for America just a few days later. The original French warship was famous for carrying the Marquis de Lafayette to America to fight in the War of Independence but it was subsequently destroyed in 1793. There are various web pages about this ambitious project to build the replica and then recreate the sailing to America but for starters, you can read about it here.
There were hordes of people both around and on the frigate but with Danny suffering with his painful knee we didn't attempt to queue to go on it. But here are a couple of photos we took...
Impressive, eh?
So there you have it! That's about all the news there is for now. I'll just leave you with this cute photo of our Liam, having a cuddle with his "dad".
Until next time then..
À bientôt