Saturday, 11 July 2015

An unfortunate reason for not having updated the blog......

Some of you may have wondered why I've not been updating the blog. The last time I updated the blog was on 2nd May.

Two days after that, I went to our GP to check out a lump I thought I could feel in my stomach.

Since then, our lives have been in a kind of limbo, if you can call it that, while simultaneously being on a roller coaster of emotion.  In the two months since that visit to the GP I have had ultrasound, a colonoscopy, an endoscopy, a biopsy and a CT scan - not to mention a couple of visits to a gastro-enterologist.

The end result was the devastating news that I have cancer of the liver.  You know, you can try to prepare yourself for the worst but nothing can really prepare you for that sort of news!

But wait, because it is not all doom and gloom.  For one thing, a lot of the tests I underwent were to determine if there was cancer elsewhere in my body.  And there isn't.  And because it is confined to the liver, they can treat it with tablets which are designed to shrink "the blighter" as my ex-boss called it (up to that point, I had called it another word beginning with 'b' but I won't stoop to that sort of language here!).  The drug aims to cut the blood supply to the tumour and once it has shrunk, the plan is to stabilise it.

Those of you who know me personally, know that I am a pretty strong, upbeat and positive sort of person.  I have had the most amazing support from family and friends who already know the situation.  This is the biggest thing I have ever had to deal with, but I am determined to live as normal a life as possible. Anything less would feel like defeat!

Although we haven't done very much in the last couple of months, besides hospital visits, I will resume updating the blog, probably in the next few days.  Well, it's what I normally do, isn't it!!!

Watch this space....I'll be back soon. xx


  1. Oh Roz, I am so sorry but admire the way you are dealing with your rotten news. I'm sure that your positivity will help beat the blighter!
    I hope you soon feel better and stronger.
    Bon courage. x

  2. Oh dear so many people I know with cancer at the moment. Positive thoughts are wonderful things and yes you will beat it, Good luck my thoughts are with you Diane

  3. Roz - wishing you all the best of outcomes. Happy Anniversary and many, many more delightful years together. You are strong and you will get thru this with flying colors Our thoughts are with you xx

  4. I have come home tonight and read your blog. I felt frightened for you but then thought you have Danny, your animals and so much to fight for. Your Doctor's words sound extremely positive... and we know how blunt French doctors can be! So go with the pills. I too have a friend and she is fighting cancer and she is winning so go girl stay positive.

  5. My thoughts are with you as you fight "the blighter". Try to stay positive and upbeat and make the most of each day, each friendship and loved one. They will be extra ammunition for you. With very best wishes, Gaynor

  6. I echo everyone else's sentiments, stay strong and kick the blighter into touch x
