Tuesday 11 June 2013

Pretty garden...

Given that the back garden looks more like the battlefield of the Somme, it makes sense that the front garden should be as pretty as we can get it.  Virtually everything in the garden has been inherited from the previous owners who used the house as a holiday home.  Having been through all the seasons here now, I realise that it's been planted with certain months' colour in mind.  For example, most of the front garden was spectacular in the spring...

More recently, all the rose bushes in front of the house itself, have started to bloom and it's a gorgeous sight.  I don't normally like white flowers but this bed containing a white rose and white lilies is, I think, particularly spectacular...

I have even picked some of the roses for our table.....

However, now that the spring flowers have gone there seems to be a gap in colour, until things like the hardy fuchsias bloom.  So I need to consider all this and do some planning for next year, I think!

Anyway, I decided it would be lovely to have some flowers in window boxes and pots so we went off to one of the local garden centres, Jardiland, and spent a small fortune on loads of window boxes and plants.  When we got home, Danny set up an impromptu potting table for me and I set to potting it all up.  Here I am in action..

All of the window boxes are up now and they really do make the house look pretty...

 Even the back of the house looks better for having some window boxes!!
And here's Danny fixing the trays so that those boxes upstairs don't fall off and cause an accident!
A few days later, we bought a few more plants and I also got some strawberry plants for hanging baskets.  Imagine how lovely it'll be when (if?) they grow and we have strawberries cascading down!

 Even if I say so myself, I think this is a lovely
collection of potted summer plants.

And here are the strawberries!
So, all in all, it doesn't matter that the back garden doesn't look all that great right now.  We know that eventually it will look fabulous and in the meantime we have lots of other stunning plants and views to feast our eyes on!
I hope you also get some pleasure from seeing all these pretty sights that nature is offering us right now.
A bientôt à tous!

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