Thursday 21 November 2013

Some sad news...

I had started to write my next post but was halted by what has been a very difficult week. I have decided to do this short post now to let those of you who aren't already aware that we lost our youngest cat, Cali, this week.  She went missing last Thursday and on Sunday we discovered that she had been killed in a road accident. All of our pets are special in their own way but I have to admit that Cali held a special place in my heart.

Those of you who have stayed with us know that we live in a very quiet and peaceful hamlet. Our house is set back quite a way from the road....or I should say, lane, because it is really no more than that. So it seems doubly cruel that an animal should be so unfortunate as to be hit by a vehicle.

I don't think Danny and I have felt this low since that first week after we came to France and Danny's sons went home after helping us with the move. But finally today we both feel a lot better; we know that it gets easier as time goes by and even being able to write this post is proof of that.

Tomorrow I hope to continue with the post I had started writing last week and things will be back to normal! But in the meantime, I'm going to leave you with this picture of the cat I always called my "baby girl"......

(Obviously the roses have been added by me!  She was actually perched on a mound of earth at the time!!!)

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