To start with, we had a glorious day, weather wise.... blue skies and wonderful sunshine. As our first job was to hang all the bird feeders (and squirrel feeder) it was perfect weather to work outdoors. I think these pictures sum up that activity.
(Remember if you want to see any of the pictures more clearly, click on them to enlarge them)
As it was so pleasant to be outdoors, Danny took the opportunity to fix the new French numberplates onto the camper. He hadn't done it up to now partly because it's been too cold to work outdoors and partly because he had no intention of taking the camper out of its winter hibernation. Funny how a mild day in the middle of February can change all that! Here is the camper in all its 'French' glory.
Danny has kept the original UK numberplates as decoration in the barn!
This afternoon I went into L'Absie for my meeting of the Craft Café - regular readers of my blog may remember I joined this group a couple of weeks ago. This time I took with me the curtains for our third bedroom (we call it the kiddie bedroom for obvious reasons!). I've been making these curtains for the last couple of weeks, in between other things and now they just needed to be hemmed by hand. I really enjoyed this afternoon's meeting, chatting mostly to a lady who wasn't there the first time I went. She was so interesting and we had a few things in common. The afternoon whizzed by so quickly; I got the curtains finished, got to know someone new and enjoyed a pleasant cup of tea with TWO slices of cake (ssshhhhh..... our secret!). It's some years since I made curtains and I'm very pleased with the result of these ones! What do you think?
Just a final word about the weather. The incessant rain has been so miserable that Danny and I had even had a conversation about maybe going to find some winter sun for a week's break. But today, driving to L'Absie under the blue sky and gorgeous sunshine, I realised there was nowhere else I wanted to be but here!
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