(One of these days, the drive will be clear of excess slabs, stone and trailers full of rubbish!)
Danny proved that his knowledge of French is better than he thought this week! He had to go to the hospital to have a mole removed and I was told (most emphatically, I thought) to wait in the waiting room. Now normally, as my French is better than his, I'm always on hand to speak for him but he had no trouble at all understanding and responding to the nurses. I've thought for some time that he could manage; he just needs to build his confidence.
Also this week, we've experienced two instances of French culture that till now we had only read about prior to living here. Firstly, the chimney sweep came round. He trades under the name of "Le P'tit Ramoneur" - The Little Chimney Sweep - but this is obviously a very tongue-in-cheek description as he is rather a rotund gentleman, albeit 'little' in stature! He brought in all his equipment and I naturally offered him a drink (in my best French of course!). He said he would wait until his work was done and I said "Un café?" His reply? "Non! Une bière!" Danny and I had to avoid looking at each other, for fear of laughing. We had often read of the French artisans enjoying a drink or two with you but this was our first personal experience of it! Sure enough, after he'd finished sweeping the chimney, Danny brought him a glass of cold beer and our little chimney sweep glugged it down as he did the paperwork!
The second thing was our next door neighbour, Jean-Marie, who doesn't speak a word of English, advising me on the growing of my vegetables in the potager. I already knew that my cherry tomatoes were growing far more bushy than they should and I had been avidly reading how to trim them. But I couldn't understand how to put it in practice. But Jean-Marie offered to have a look and show me what to do. He came round and trimmed them all for me! He also told me I'd planted my potatoes too close together and showed me how to scrape away the earth to see if they are ready to eat (they are!). It is very much the French way to give advice and I receive it gratefully and gracefully!
So, here are my cherry tomatoes growing correctly now! Notice how they use metal 'curly' stakes here rather than tying the plants to canes. Jean-Marie has lent me these ones with instructions to give them back in the autumn!
I should mention here that Danny has been doing his bit to help. He has mixed countless quantities of cement for John and now considers himself something of an expert in the art of cement-mixing. He's even decided that he ought to buy his own cement mixer and co-incidentally, John has a surplus one he's happy to sell to Danny!
We had to take off the cover as it had got dirty from the cement laying! Plus, we realised the heat pump wasn't working properly as the water hadn't reached the temperature that Danny had set. We are waiting for a technician to come and look at it but in the meantime, with such hot weather as we have at present, the water should heat up on its own.
I couldn't resist a little paddle.....
and Finn, who thought the pool was just a giant drinking bowl, fell in! This is what he looked like after that particular escapade...
He doesn't look too happy about it does he?!
And on that note, I'll leave this for now..... à bientôt!
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